After a slow start out of the gate, now Nissan has the opposite problem with the Nissan Leaf EV- Nissan can’t build enough. Nissan is now selling around 2,000 units a month, which quadruple the number of Leaf’s that were selling a year ago.
After a slow start out of the gate, now Nissan has the opposite problem with the Nissan Leaf EV – Nissan can’t build enough. Nissan is now selling around 2,000 units a month, which quadruple the number of Leaf’s that were selling a year ago. Last year’s slow sales prompted critics to quickly label the Leaf EV as a failure, but thanks to the updates for the 2013 model year, Nissan can’t keep the Leaf in dealer showrooms.
By cutting the starting price of the 2013 Leaf by more than $6,000, Nissan made the Leaf more attractive to EV buyers. It now starts at $29,750 before any federal or state tax credits are accounted for. One of the biggest issues with electric vehicles is the lack of infrastructure to charge them, but Nissan also recently announced plans to install public DC quick chargers at dealerships in specific markets across the U.S. The DC quick chargers will be able to charge the Leaf’s battery from depleted to 80 percent in around 20 minutes.
Source: Nissan via Automotive News