Flashback to 1957 to the town of Tulsa, Oklahoma. The town buried the then new 1957 Plymouth Belvedere coupe in front of the county courthouse in a time capsule that would be unveiled on June 15, 2007 to celebrate Oklahoma’s 100th anniversary of statehood.
The Belvedere coupe was advertised at the time as “the only car to break the time barrier” because of its Torsion-Aire front suspension, push button automatic transmission and soaring tail fins. The car was advertised as being “Three Full Years Ahead” of its competition.
When the car was put into its time capsule, city officials hoped that it would stand the test of time and be unearthed virtually unscathed. Well earlier this week crews pried the top of the capsule off to find the car sitting in many feet of water and mud. The town is devastated. It remains to be seen how well the car held up, since it was also wrapped in a protective layer.
The car will be unveiled tonight. Also the individual who came closest to guessing the city population in 2007 will win the car. (Or I guess their family members if they are no longer living).
The city also buried a Plymouth Prowler under the city’s Centennial Park which will be unveiled in 2037. Hopefully it won’t have the same fate as the Belvedere.
Full Story:
The Car Connection
Charles Phoenix
To See the Unveiling Visit: Buried Car