Ram has unveiled the updates to the 2016 Ram 2500 and 3500 Heavy Duty pickups, with one of the biggest updates being the tweaks to the Cummins 6.7L diesel, which now generates 900 lb-ft. of torque. Ram says that it’s the most torque ever offered in a mass-production vehicle.
Ram has unveiled the updates to the 2016 Ram 2500 and 3500 Heavy Duty pickups, with one of the biggest updates being the tweaks to the Cummins 6.7L diesel, which now generates 900 lb-ft. of torque. Ram says that it’s the most torque ever offered in a mass-production vehicle.
Ram and Cummins developed a new fuel delivery and turbo boost calibration for the 6.7-liter I-6 diesel that produces an additional 35 lb.-ft. of torque. The extra torque also helps the 2016 Ram 3500 tow up to 31,210 pounds, further distancing the closest rival by more than two tons. The 2016 Ram 2500 can tow up to 17,980 pounds.
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Pricing for the 2016 Ram 2500 starts at $32,860 for the Ram 2500 and $33,185 for the Ram 3500, including the $1,195 destination fee.
Source: Ram