Lexus wants to give one lucky Amazon customer a 2019 Lexus ES as part of the Alexa Home-Smart-Home Sweepstakes to celebrate Prime Day. The 2019 Lexus ES has the ability to connect directly to your Alexa-enabled devices in your home, so to promote the technology, Lexus has teamed up with Amazon to create the sweepstakes.
Starting today, to enter the sweepstakes, Amazon customers simply have to log into their account and watch a Lexus video at or ask Alexa questions about Prime Day. You can enter in the sweepstakes until July 15 at at 11:59:59 p.m. PDT. In addition to winning the 2019 Lexus ES, the winner will also receive $50,000, an Alexa smart home, and a trip to Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle.
The Alexa-enabled 2019 Lexus ES gives owners the ability to speak commands to Alexa to complete a series of tasks, like turning off or on the lights in your house when you’re away. You can also have Alexa perform other commands when your in your house, like telling Alexa to lock your car. As of right now the system only works with Android phones, but iPhone compatibility is expected by the end of the year.
Source: Lexus